WV 25674 Zip Code Details

WV 25674

WV 25674 is at Kermit City, Mingo County, in West Virginia state.

WV 25674 is at of .

WV 25674 covers 44.936 mile2 land area, and no water area.

WV 25674 Population

WV 25674 has a total population of 3,202.

In WV 25674, most of the population is White, followed by Hispanic, Indian, Black, Asian and Hawaiian.

In WV 25674, there are roughly equal number of males and females.

The median age of all pupulation in WV 25674 is 37.8 years old.

White 3,193
Hispanic 23
Indian 16
Black 6
Asian 4
Hawaiian 1
Male 1,593
Median Age 38 years old
Female 1,609
Median Age 38 years old

WV 25674 Household Income

In WV 25674, there are totally 1,244 households. There are 2.57 persons per household. Average income per household is $25,067. The average house value is $71,600.

Average Household Income $25,067
Average House Value $71,600
Persons Per Household 2.57
Total Households in WV 25674 1,244

WV 25674 Business

In WV 25674, there are totally 38 Companies or Business, which hire 345 Employees. The average salary per Employee in WV 25674 is $30,110.

Number of Business 38
Employees Hired 345
Annual Payroll $10,388,000
Average Salary $30,110
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